

Hi, I am Javier, a data professional, former baseball player, love to explore new ideas and I'm passionate to write. I hope you like this personal project life!


Posts by Javier

How to Perform a SQL Server Query Tune on a Table Without Rows

Here's a quick way on how you can tune queries using an empty table and SentryOne Plan Explorer

In SQL-Performance, Performance-Tools, May 24, 2021

From SQL DBA to BI Developer: Where to start?

All roads lead to Rome. This is a famous proverb of medieval origin that tells us that many roads or ways that lead to the same goal.

In Career, Apr 21, 2021

Hey, I'm Javier

Welcome to the Data Slugger Blog!! I'm a Data Engineer professional living and working in The Woodlands, Texas..

In Profile, Carrer, Apr 21, 2021

How I got here: Unlocking My Story

When I decided to share my journey I was thinking other people had a better story to tell or they experienced bigger challenges in comparison to mine.I remembered a phrase that a good...

In Career, Jun 07, 2020