

From SQL DBA to BI Developer: Where to start?

All roads lead to Rome. This is a famous proverb of medieval origin that tells us that many roads or ways that lead to the same goal.

In Career, Apr 21, 2021

How I got here: Unlocking My Story

When I decided to share my journey I was thinking other people had a better story to tell or they experienced bigger challenges in comparison to mine.I remembered a phrase that a good...

In Career, Jun 07, 2020


Hey, I'm Javier

Welcome to the Data Slugger Blog!! I'm a Data Engineer professional living and working in The Woodlands, Texas..

In Profile, Carrer, Apr 21, 2021


Hey, I'm Javier

Welcome to the Data Slugger Blog!! I'm a Data Engineer professional living and working in The Woodlands, Texas..

In Profile, Carrer, Apr 21, 2021


How to Perform a SQL Server Query Tune on a Table Without Rows

Here's a quick way on how you can tune queries using an empty table and SentryOne Plan Explorer

In SQL-Performance, Performance-Tools, May 24, 2021


How to Perform a SQL Server Query Tune on a Table Without Rows

Here's a quick way on how you can tune queries using an empty table and SentryOne Plan Explorer

In SQL-Performance, Performance-Tools, May 24, 2021